Platform Metadata

Platform data is supplied by the user and not by Analogue.

Each core may choose to implement a platform, as described in core.json. While not strictly necessary for a core to run, the platforms can be described in further detail.

Every platform has a shortname, which is a unique name to identify a platform in a human-readable way. For example, the PDP-1 might have a shortname of pdp1.

A core can signal that is supports a platform by specifying a platform shortname in the metadata.platform_ids property of its core.json file. Additional data about this platform can be specified in a file located at /Platforms/<platform_shortname>.json.

Core shortnames shall only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9, underscore _) and have a maximum length of 15 characters. The first character of the name may not be an underscore.

For example, a core might specify that it supports the pdp1 platform. The device will look for a file at /Platforms/pdp1.json to display additional user-supplied information about the platform, such as release year and manufacturer.

Core shortnames shall only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9, underscore ‘_’) and have a maximum length of 15 characters.

All cores that specify a platform but no matching file is found for that platform will not display any additional information about the platform nor be able to access future features in Analogue OS.

Platform Image

A platform may have a graphic associated with it. The format is described in Graphical Asset Formats.

If present, the platform image should reside in /Platforms/_images/. For example, the “pdp1” platform’s image would be located at: /Platforms/_images/pdp1.bin.


category: string
Category this platform belongs to. Platforms are grouped into similar categories. Maximum length of 31 chars.

name: string
Full name of the platform. Maximum length of 31 characters.

manufacturer: string
Full name of the manufacturer. Maximum length of 31 characters.

year: Integer
Year of release.

Sample File

  "platform": {
    "category": "Computers",
    "name": "Computer",
    "manufacturer": "Computer Co.",
    "year": 2022