Prerequisites: Analogue Pocket, a micro SD card, formatted to FAT32 or ExFat.

  1. Download and install the latest Analogue Pocket firmware. To install this firmware, please view our guide on Updating Firmware.
  2. Download the from the latest release on Github. The zip filename will contain the latest release version and date. Note: You do not need to download the source code zip.
  3. Unzip and merge the PDP-1 & Spacewar! openFPGA folders (containing the files) onto the root of your SD card.
  4. Power on Pocket and select openFPGA > PDP-1 and select Run
  5. Enjoy Spacewar! on Analogue Pocket. To play on Analogue Dock, simply insert Pocket into Dock and pair a controller. You can play with up to two players.